Sunday, February 17, 2013

Just cute baby pics

These are just the last of the pictures I have taken of him lately. This is pretty much current, the only ones newer are the first pictures I posted, which were the family pictures from last Sunday.

 He is really calmed by movement, and motor sounds. Riding in the car puts him to sleep when nothing else will, but sometimes his swing will too. I just love the diva pose of his hand behind his head, it was so cute.

 He heard me take the first two pictures in his sleep, and he smiled, and I got that on camera, I thought it was so sweet.

 Our new skill, getting from a belly crawling position to sitting up

 He's just so cute, I take a ton of pictures of him :)
 I like the pictures my camera does without the flash better than with. These with the flash make him look so washed out. I like the warmer, no flash pictures, like the ones above here.

 I'm doing it, I'm going forward this time, I'm sure of it

 oooh, warm sunshine
 the first place he went when he learned to army crawl was into the kitchen, he likes the sound that slapping the vinyl floor makes

 Fell asleep in our swing again. I took a couple cute pictures, then I put him to be so he wouldn't have a neck ache

 He had this green blanket (his favorite) across the room, and he looked over here where the lion and his book were, so he crawled over here, dragging the green blanket, grabbed hold of the lion, and the book, and immediately fell asleep. Must have been the magic nap combo

 This last week he has really slept in some weird positions. He was just happily playing with his toys, and he rolled over, put his foot up on that toy, and went to sleep. He slept that way about an hour. such a funny little guy

1 comment:

  1. he is really adorable thanks for bringing him out to my mothers this is ryan I am so happy that he is well and keep up the good work again thanks for letting my mother and I see you guys and little man tonight
