Sunday, February 17, 2013

New Years

For New Year's, we decided to take a trip to New Mexico to see Justin's parents, and to see my grandmothers. It was a short trip, but great to introduce the baby to everyone. He did pretty well traveling, he likes being in the car, but he was also happy to be home. 
 Grandma Marilyn

 Grr face

 Justin, his dad, and Kade, its hard to get a 6 1/2 month old to look at the camera when he's distracted.

 Sometimes we like to wear our shirt as a hat
 After New Mexico, on the way back home, we stopped in Lehi at the Cabela's store to show Kade the animals and fish. He seemed to have fun.

 I think he liked having his picture taken more than he enjoyed looking at the animals. He did really like the fish though, he thought they were super cool, probably because they were live and swimming right up against the walls of the tank.

 hmm, I can't find the fish pictures, I'll have to see if I can find them, and post them in a minute.
 This is Kade, me, and my grandma Carole.

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